*Vitamix Blender Review*
OMGGGGGG I LOVEEEEEEEE MY VITAMIX #Inserts flip here LOL!! WOOHOOO. I literally have had it just a couple days now, and all I can say is I cant believe I waited so long. I had to do a review right away because I am so blown away. This Blender is a MUST HAVE kitchen appliance. It literally is a combination of a bunch of appliances combined. It can be a juicer, it literally can make any kind of nut butters, it makes any kind of nut milks, soups, flour etc. I am amazed at the power of this machine. Who ever designed it was a pure genius. I am so happy I finally purchased one. Yes it cost a pretty penny, but you cant put a price on health “right”. This is a dream machine. Definitely worth the investment if you truly want to pursue the healthy eating world. I say YES. I have made a few different things in one day. It is so fun hahah. You can order the Vitamix through a few different sources directly through Vitamix Click Here. You can do a payment plan through QVC Purchase Here. You can also order off of Amazon or Costo Click Here. The Vitamix comes in a few different options with various speeds. I choose the 5200 version. I am officially all smiles and so happy I made the purchase/investment.Just wanted to share with anyone wondering if they should dish out the cash for this amazing blender. I vote absolutely YES!!!
You can make fruit’s and veggie’s look so cool. You can also make many raw food dishes with this appliance which is the true reason I purchased. Will post showing the Paderno put to use soon. I found mine online at amazon for 25$ Order Here
I love my two new kitchen appliance’s and would definitely recommend them as kitchen necessities.
I am now #teamvitamix and #teampaderno LOL
While I am at it I might as well share which Juicer I use. I picked it up from Macy’s a few years back. It’s a Sharper Image. Works decent, and does what its suppose to do “Make Juice” haha. But it leaves lots of pulp in my opinion so I feel as if i’m wasting fruit. It’s on sale for a little over 60$ It definitely works, but not as well as some of the more expensive juicers. I am more into making smoothies and sorbets than juicing which is why I decided to invest in a better blender instead of a juicer. If you are interested Amazon has it on sale Buy here
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Im going to look on amazon and find some applinaces 🙂 seeing all your pics of food etc is encouraging makes me want to be healthy it look so good:)
Shana Nicole
I would absolutely recommend getting a great blender.Vitamix and Blendtec are rated the best but do your research. I waited so long to purchase and now that I have it has helped so much with me being able to really pursue health. If you have any more questions feel free to ask 🙂