*Orange Dreamsicle*
*Orange Dreamsicle*
Ingredients (all organic)
2 Fresh Oranges
1+1/2 fresh bananas
Optional: 1-2 tbs canned coconut milk ( add if you prefer a slight coconut taste)
Fresh kiwi + strawberries (inside fruits)
1. Squeeze the juice from one orange inside blender + add the orange +Place your other fresh orange (remove the peels)+ add bananas inside blender.
2. Add coconut milk if your prefer + blend high speed until smooth
3. Pour mixture inside of popsicle molds + add fresh fruit of choice inside + allow to freeze for several hours or overnight
4. When ready you may have to run popsicle mold under warm water to remove popsicle. Enjoy its yummy 😉
Ps. Thanks so much for checking out the website. I am so excited to announce the ” I Will Not Settle Movement” has officially launched. Woohoo♥ You can find more details about the movement, watch testimonials, and learn how to get involved on the home page under the I will Not Settle Tab.
NOTE**** Dont miss the ☆Stay Inspired☆ Tee Flash Sale going on today only! Both Tshirts are over 15% off. You can visit store page or click link below.