*Grapefruit Immune Boost Juice*
Grapefruits are loaded with the cancer fighting antioxidant lycopene, immune boosting vitamin c, and fiber which helps to keep your digestive system working properly. Grapefruits naturally help to burn fat, fights off kidney stones, flushes unhealthy toxins from the liver, are great for your heart and they help with maintaining a healthy blood pressure. This juice combo taste amazinggggg and is such a healthy dose of nutrients. Enjoy lovelies!
*Grapefruit Immune Boost Juice*
Serving Size: 1-2
Ingredients: (All Organic)
6 Pink Lady Apples
1 +1/2 Grapefruit (Rough Chop)
1 +1/2 Lemons (Rough Chop)
1. Rinse + clean all of your ingredients
2. Juice them ( I use an Omega juicer)
3. Pour inside glass + drink right away for optimum benefits
4. If storing be sure to consume within 2days and store inside airtight container
Thanks so much for checking out this juice recipe. I hope you all love it. Comment below and let me know your thoughts! Don’t forget to share the website with your friends and family♡
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Hugs & Happy Grapefruit Juice Drinking,
LaShana Nicole❤