*Hot Cocoa*
Who else loves hot cocoa? It is one of my favorite things to drink and this healthy version taste incredible. Raw cacao is loaded with antioxidants, iron, calcium, magnesium, and helps with depression. I used it in this recipe and can’t wait for you guys to try it. You’re going to love it.
*Hot Cocoa* (serving size 2)
3.5 Cups of Almond Milk (or Coconut Milk) >
2 Tbs of Raw Cacao Powder > Find It Here
3-4 Tbs of Maple Syrup (or Coconut Nectar)
Dash of Vanilla Flavoring >Find It Here
Optional: Very Small Dash Of Peppermint Extract (it’s tasty)
Pinch of Himalayan SeaSalt
Toppings: Vegan Marshmallows
1. Place all of your ingredients inside a high speed blender. I use Vitamix
2. Blend on high for 5-7 minutes (until warm and frothy like picture below)
3. Pour inside glass + add marshmallows on top
4. Drink your hot cocoa right away! Enjoy!!
(ps. if you prefer really warm/hot cocoa blend all ingredients inside blender for 2 minutes + add to a pan and warm on med high for 3 minutes + pour inside glass and drink when the temperature is to your taste preference)Thanks so much for checking out this hot cocoa recipe. I hope you all love it. Comment below and let me know your thoughts! Don’t forget to share the website with your friends and family♡
**HAPPY 2020 guys. I’m thrilled to announce that my very first book “Punch Your Fear In The Face” just launched ☆ How exciting!! You can snag a signed copy here>>> Hard Copy Book
** The Be A Health Nut Too Hair Growth Oil is receiving amazing feedback and we’re almost sold out again! Love it! If you’re dealing with damaged hair, balding, or looking to restore the health of your hair. SNAG some now>> HAIR OIL
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** You can also now watch inspirational videos + raw food tutorials on my Youtube channel. The Youtube page link is at the top of the website!
** THANK YOU so much lovelies for your love and continued support! I adore each and every one of you and pray you all have a very blessed new year!
HUGS & HAPPY Hot Cocoa Drinking,
* Note: Some links above may be affiliate links which means I may make a small commission, which will be used to reinvest back into our company to continue bringing amazing health products and information to all of you:).