*Take A Leap of Faith*
What is faith some may ask? Well the bible says in Hebrew 11:1 “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.
*Why is it that taking a leap of faith is often one of the scariest thing’s we as people do?
Have you ever had a deep desire to start something great but when the time came you felt so much fear you tucked that dream away? We all have a inner voice that prompts us to start this or that, it tries to lead you down a path to peace, happiness, love, fulfillment, joy, and the Lord’s blessings. So often we ignore that inner prompting. We get very excited about that dream or goal at first but when its time to act upon making it happen we become frightened and wonder how the dream will manifest. Stepping into the unknown zone is scary because we have no clue what to expect and this is often what robs people of achieving greatness. We let fear control us and ripped our very goals from under us, because we don’t like not knowing how life will turn out. We as humans must learn to protect the seed of greatness that is planted inside each and every one of us and nurture it. You may ask “how do I go about nuturing my dreams and actually stepping out of faith?” You have to literally step out and do what you fear and your fear will eventually fade. You nuture your dream by taking the first step. When you take the “Leap of faith” the anwsers will come and you will know how to move from point A to point B and then C .
*Why do we often feel so much fear?
Fear can be the greatest dream theif. Fear is nothing more than an emotion that tries to rob us of confidence and makes us feel like we are not worthy enough, smart enough, talented enough and on and on. We have to recognize fear and understand that we can move forward and reach our deepest desires in the mist of fear. Do I feel fear sometimes HECK YES haha but I have learned to trust GOD and believe that HE will lead me down the right path. I have learned that the more I step out in the mist of feeling fear I am becoming stronger and not allowing the fear theif to control me. What you feed will grow. This means if you feel fear and give into it then you are feeding it, and it only becomes stronger. This also applies when you feed your faith and step out even in the mist of feeling afraid you will be amazed at what you can achieve. Fight back and take control. The more you defeat fear & starve it the less control it has over you. Here are some great meditation scriptures (Psalm 46:1-3) (Psalm 23:4) (Deuteronomy 31:6)
*Why do many people feel stuck because they havent stepped out to find out?
There are a ton of people who feel confused and have no idea how to get out of the rut of not pursuing their dreams. They feel that they have wasted to much time on a job that they are not satisfied with and now its to late. I use to be that person. I use to feel like I was working a job to make good money but didnt feel like it was my life purpose. This made me very unsatisfied with life and pushed me like never before to not seek money but to seek my passion in life. Its NEVER to late to start. No matter where you may be in life you can make a change. This very moment take control and start mapping out a plan to live the life you have always desired. Start by writing down your goals and how you plan to achieve them. This can be simply taking a hour a day to focus all your attention on that dream, or researching in your area of interest etc. When we dont take control of our lives, life will simply take control of us. You will accept the hand you are dealth in not move forward. Make a decision right now to get in control of your life and do something different for the next 30 days that will propel you toward your goal. Remember to PRAY and seek anwsers. Prayer has helped me a ton with clearing the clutter from my mind and being able to hear and be led by GOD. Stay focused even if it seems you are taking baby steps. A little progress is MUCH better than no progress. Praise yourself for your progress and become your biggest cheerleader.
*Why is being out of our comfort zones one of the hardest things to do?
Lets just be honest no one likes being clueless about what’s next. We all secretly wish we could understand the how’s, why’s, when’s, etc. Being uncomfortable is not so fun, but is often necessary in order to find your true purpose, passion, happiness, and peace. We have to learn to put on our big girl/guy pants during the times of facing the unknown zone and trust that all things will work out for our good. We must realize that we cant figure out every detail of life and stop allowing that to stop us from trying something new. Make a mental note that trying to map out every detail is pointless. We must believe that if we follow the inner promptings of our heart and take a leap of faith we will recieve great favor. Start now doing thing’s that take you out of your comfort zone. This can be swimming if you are afraid to swim, or singing in front of people if you are afraid to sing etc. When ever I have stepped out of my comfort zone, that is when doors of great favor has opened in my life that I never imagined. You can do it.
Take a Leap of Faith Checklist:
1. Surround yourself with positive like minded people (Birds of a feather flock together)
2. Meditate on positive scriptures and listen to positive uplifting music
3. In the mist of fear take a leap of faith
4. Become ok with not having to know every detail in life
5. Set a plan for your life and take control (3 month goals, 6month goals, 1 year goals etc)
6. Feed Faith & Starve your fears
7. Nuture your dreams and passions by actually taking the first step to pursue them
8. Listen to inspirational speakers (Jim Rohn, Les Brown, Joyce Meyer etc)
9. Read inspirational books
10. Pray and seek guidance
Hugs & Happy Taking a Leap of Faith
LaShana Nicole