*The Benefits of Positive Thinking*

Your mind affects your mood. Your mind affects your body. Your mind affects your relationships, and ultimately your mind affects your life. It’s super important to constantly “THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT”. It’s easy to drift off into negative land if you are not careful about choosing your thoughts wisely. The cares of this world can sometimes become so overwhelming that you will find yourself thinking about a negative situation, then before you know it you are in a funky mood, and you’re ready rip someones head off.

You are responsible for what you choose to ponder on. You have to cast down wrong thinking immediately. As soon as a wrong thought pops into your head, YOU have a choice. You can choose to entertain that self defeating thought or you can replace that crazy thought with a positive thought. God tells us “As a man thinks in his heart so is he” Proverbs 23:7. This scripture is a constant reminder to me to get rid of stinking thinking. I get rid of any thought that causes disharmony in my life, and is a hinderance to my growth. Is it always easy “HECK NO” Lol. Taking control of your mind will take work. The mind will naturally want to drift off into (what’s going wrong, what didn’t go your way, why did this happen to me, so on and so forth). So you must make a conscious decision DAILY to monitor your inner conversation. Remember what goes on inside of you will eventually manifest in your outside world. Right now ask yourself “Is my thinking helping or hindering me?”

Below are some ways that has helped me to shift my focus from the negative to the positive. I pray this blog encourages you to do the same. 😉

1. Have a “I AM GRATEFUL” daily think session
I take time out each day to literally de-clutter my mind. I turn off my cell phone, internet, and anything else that can possibly be a distraction to just sit before God and give thanks. When you place your focus on the good, this will create positive emotions inside of you. Focusing on the good shuts out the negative self-talk. The more grateful you become the less time you will have to pick your life apart. Someone some where would take your life without complaint in a heart beat. If you are alive, breathing, have a job, housing, food, water, a family etc YOU ARE BLESSED. I want to challenge you right now to write down 10 things you are grateful for at this very moment, and meditate on that through out the day. Make time to focus on your blessings.

2. Surround yourself with positive people
This is sooo important. The people you hang around WILL influence you. Now this can be a good thing or a bad thing depending on who you choose to spend your time with. I am so selective with who I choose to even speak with over the phone. God said in his word “Above all else, guard your heart, because from it flow the springs of life” Proverbs 4:23. I take this scripture literally. I stay far away from drama-filled, energy draining, negative people. I will love you from a distance, but I refuse to entertain a relationship or situation that’s toxic. It’s important to filter the messages that you allow to go into your ears and plant seeds into your heart. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, support you, encourage you, uplift you, build you up, pray for you, and someone who will be honest with you when you need it. Don’t feel bad for doing what’s best for your mental health by guarding your heart. 

3. Read positive books
I love reading inspirational books, business books, motivational books, and the word of God. You have to pump your mind full of positive messages constantly. This helps to shut down negative self talk. Remember what you constantly put inside of you, will eventually manifest in your outside world. Some authors I enjoy are (Les Brown, Joyce Meyer, Jim Rohn, Francis Chan, & Stormie Omartian) just to name a few

4. Speak Life (happy affirmations)
Take time out each day, even if it’s for 10 minutes to speak life over your circumstances. Gods word says “Life and death are in the power of YOUR tongue” Proverbs 18:21. This scripture is a beautiful reminder to speak words  that will build and not tear down, over your life as well as the lives of others. If you are dealing with a health issue, an example of speaking life even in the midst of what you see would be “I am walking in divine health, every part of my body functions perfectly just as God designed it. Thank you Lord for restoring my health” or lets say you are struggling in the finance area an example would be ” The Lord will provide my every need according to His glorious riches. Philippians 4:19″ I will not worry I will cast my care upon the Lord. Philippians 4:6-7.
Another great thing to do is to write out a list of your strengths and speak this out loud daily. Here’s a list to start yours ” I am beautiful”, ” I am healthy”, “I am strong”, “I am more than a conqueror”, ” I am abundant” ,”I am loving” ,” I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me”.

5. Silence Your mind (Prayer)
Pull away to a quiet place and just get silent. Pray and ask God to lead you. Take time away to just rest your mind, and don’t allow crazy thoughts to run rampant. When a negative thought pops up during your silent sessions cast it down immediately, replace it with a positive one, and go back to silence. This strengthens your ability to catch those thoughts and purposely focus on the good.

6. Get rid of fear
Fear is nothing but a lie inside your head telling you that you can’t do something. Fear will rob you of your destiny if you allow it to. You have to get rid of any fearful thoughts. Tell your self everyday that you are well equipped to carry out the purpose that God has given you on this earth. You have to tell your self, “even if I try and it doesn’t work out SO what at least I tried, I learned something, and now i’m stronger for the next task”. Change your perspective and punch fear in the face by doing that which you fear. You will realize as soon as you do what you feared, your fear will go away.
Thanks so much for checking out this blog. I pray it encouraged you. If you found this message helpful leave a comment and be sure to share it with friends and family♡

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Hugs & Happy Positive Thinking,
LaShana Nicole ❤


Hello Lovelies❤ I’m LaShana Nicole Founder of BeAHealthNutToo® a Holistic Health, Hair Care, and Skincare company. I am on a mission to help as many people grow, nourish, and nurse their hair back to life. Our Hair Care and Skincare products are made with pure natural ingredients with your health in mind. I want to welcome each of you to our growing community and thank you for your support. Read More

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