*Coconut Whip Cream*

1 Thai Coconut milk can (I think this brand works the best but a can of coconut milk)
Optional: organic powdered sugar (this is added only if you prefer a sweet coco cream)
1. Let coconut milk sit in refrigerator overnight (Dont shake)
2. In the morning if you decide you don’t want to add powdered sugar take coconut milk out and open if your refrigerator is cold enough it should be a thick white coconut cream on top (This is what you scoop out for the coco whip cream) If your refrigerator is not cold enough and it still has a milk consistency than place in freezer for 20-30 minutes (If using powdered sugar to sweeten you open can and spoon out top white cream into bowl, whisk with 2-3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, than place inside freezer for 20-30 minutes. I made mine without sugar this time and I love the taste)
3. Take out of freezer and open can with can opener (DONT SHAKE)
4. Spoon out the thick coco cream be careful not to spoon to deep and mix with the clear liquid on bottom
5. Scoop all into a bowl or dish
6. That is it *Yummy Coco Whip Cream* So easy peasy &such a yummy cream to add on top of smoothies, pancakes etc.
Ps. I used a Ice Cream Scoop to stack on my smoothie!
Enjoy 🙂
LaShana Nicole