Dates are rich in vital nutrients. They contain dietary fiber which cleanses your colon naturally, and helps to prevent bad cholesterol. Dates contain potassium which helps lower your risk of stroke, controls your blood pressure, and they help to regulate

Super foods provide extra fuel to help keep your body healthy and strong. I've been overloading on super food powders lately. Here's a new smoothie treat! Enjoy *Chocolate SuperFood Smoothie* Makes 1 serving Ingredients (organic/raw) 2 Frozen Bananas 1 Fresh Orange 1 Tbs Noni Powder 1

Ok y'all if you haven't tried ACAI freeze dried raw powder you're missing out. ACAI is an AMAZINGGGGGG SUPERFOOD!  Acai is packed with antioxidants, the fruit is known to have more antioxidants than most berries. With it's high antioxidant content

  *Summer Refresh Smoothie* Ingredients: (all organic) serving size: 2  1 Melon (Chop up and freeze overnight) 2 Frozen Plums 1 Frozen Banana  8 Fresh Strawberries 2 Cups of Alkaline Water (Add more if needed) Toppings: Rough chopped fresh plumes + kiwis Directions: 1. Place all of your ingredients inside

Happy 4th of July Everyone🎉 I find multiple ways to sneak greens into my body. You don't always have to consume a salad in order to get your greens. This smoothie bowl is loaded with vitamins,minerals,and antioxidants. It will help to boost

*Fruit Stack Smoothie* Ingredients: (all organic) 2 Cups Frozen Chunk Melon (Chop up & freeze overnight) 2 Frozen Peaches (Chop up & freeze overnight) 2 Frozen Bananas (Chop up & freeze overnight) 2 Cups Alkaline Water ( Add more if needed) Toppings: Fresh

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