*Benefits of Coconut Oil*
Coconut is amazing for internal and external purposes. Taking one-two tablespoons everyday can provide so many healing properties and its super affordable. I prefer to take mine in liquid form by melting the coconut oil. Lets discuss:
*Benefits of Extra Virgin Coconut Oil*
1.Coconut oil kills off bacteria and viruses
Studies have shown that coconut contains more lauric acid which is a fatty acid then any substance on earth. Lauric acid is also found in breast milk which will help to build your baby immune systen. When you consume coconut oil your body will convert the lauric acid into monolaurin which is a antiviral,antibacterial, antifungal, & antiparasitic monoglyceride which helps to detroy lipid coated viruses such as HIV, Herpes, & Common cold etc. Coconut works wonders for killing germs and can be applied topically to an infected area.
2. Coconut oil is great for cooking
Not only does coconut oil add a nice flavor to your dishes but it also doesnt turn rancid when heated it can withstand higher temperatures than other cooking oils. Its also a great substitute for butter.
3. Coconut oil promotes energy
One spoonful of coconut oil will boost your energy without producing an insulin spike in your blood stream.
4. Coconut oil kills of Yeast (Candida)
Candida is a overgrowth of fungus in your gut. If you suffer from yeast infections (candida overgrowth) try coconut oil. It contains the powerful antifungal fatty acid called caprilyc acid which interferes with the cells walls by causing them to disintegrate which helps to kill off the candida.
5. Coconut oil helps regulate thyroid problems
Coconut oil is not saturated like many other oils and wont have a negative effect on the thyroid. It reduces inflammation and boost the immune system.Coconut oil doesn’t raise blood glucose levels and it is processed immediately by the body and turned into energy. It isn’t stored in the body where it can be turned into fat. Coconut oil boosts the metabolic rate promoting weightloss which helps with regulating thyroid problems.
6. Coconut oil is a natural sunscreen and works wonders on your skin
Coconut oil is an amazing light moisturizer. Its great for helping to reduce dark circles, minimize the appearance of scars, wont clog your pores, and it helps with eczema. After you shower apply the coconut oil and your skin will feel so soft and moisturized. I love my coconut oil and use it as a moisturizer all the time. Also coconut is a natural suncreen protection for your skin without the harmful chemical and toxins. Studies show that coconut oil provides about a SPF of 8. If you plan on being in the sun for long periods of time you may want to reapply it often. Carrot seed oil is also natural and known to have about 40 SPF, another option is raspberry seed oil which is known to provide about 30 spf.
7. Coconut oil helps aid in weight loss
Consuming coconut oil will help to increase your energy, boost your metabolism and will help burn fat. It is beneficial with weightloss because, coconut oil consists of medium-chain fatty acids, which are essential for brain function, healing, and very good for you.
8. Coconut oil is amazing for your hair
You can apply coconut oil 2-3 hours before washing your hair + add a shower cap and allow to sit (Optional: Feel free to sit under the dryer for 10-15 mins) for a deep oil treatment. Also its a very light oil so can be used as your moisturizer. It provides a natural shine to the hair. Ive used coconut oil on my hair for two years and I experienced major growth.
9. Coconut oil for oil pulling
Oil pulling is like using a oil as a mouth wash. It is known to help whiten your teeth, freshen your breath, remove plaque, and it helps to rid your mouth of harmful bacteria. To use: Place one table spoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for 15-20 minutes. As you swish the oil around in your mouth the bacteria will stick to the oil and it will begin to turn into a liquid form. Spit the oil out and brush your teeth immediately afterward.
10. Ways to use Coconut oil
One tablespoon inside a fresh smoothie
Pan Frying
Use on Popcorn instead of butter
Natural Salad Dressings
On Toast
Makeup remover (place some on a cotton ball and swipe area clean)
Bath Soak: (Water must be hot. Adding coconut oil to your bath water will moisturize your skin naturally)
Tootepaste: A mixture of coconut oil + baking soda can be used to clean harmful bacteria from your teeth.
Here are direct websites to purchase cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil:
Thanks so much for reading. If you found this blog helpful be sure to share it with friends and family♡
** Im sooo excited to announce the launch of the newest Stay Inspired “My Body Gods Temple” Tee & Long Sleeve Shirts. Check them out here> https://beahealthnuttoo.com/store/products/
** Im working on the first Raw Food Live class. Yay can’t wait to finish the course.
** You can now watch weekly inspirational videos + raw food tutorials on my youtube channel. Link is about at the top of website.
** Im speaking in London England March 14th & 15th, 2015. All details will be post on the event page soon. If you live in London I would love to meet you.
Hugs & Happy Holistic Healing
LaShana Nicole❤
DISCLAIMER * The above statements have not been approved by the FDA and the product is not intended to treat, cure, prevent, or mitigate any disease.
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Alysia Hutton
Been online all day researching how to fight candida so am super excited to find out that coconut oil can help. I’ve decided to take sugar and dairy out of my diet for 21 days. I will start ingesting coconut oil now that I know how beneficial it is. I already use it on my hair so am so excited about using it in other ways too.
@Alysia Coconut oil works wonders for fighting off candida. Its a great idea to also remove sugar & dairy from your diet and consume as many greens as possible. You want to get your body in a alkaline state to help fight off candida. I melt mine so that its easier to swallow, but its amazing for the body 🙂