*Miso Seaweed Soup*

If you love seafood this seaweed soup was created just for you. It has a pungent sea flavor and is loaded with high amounts of iodine(to help maintain a healthy thyroid gland), protein, and essential nutrients including antioxidants, calcium, iron, and magnesium. This recipe includes the seaweed named “Dulse” which contains high amounts of vitamin B6, B12, Potassium, Fiber, Protein, Iodine, and Phosphorus just to name a few. Consuming dulse will also help aid with healthy digestion. Some other great seaweeds include Nori, Kelp, and Wakame. This soup was really good I made another batch when it was gone. I hope you find it to be just as tasty as I did☺

*Miso Seaweed Soup* (Yields 2-3 Servings)
1 Cup Lentils ( I used green lentils)
2 Carrots
2 Jelepeno Red Peppers ( Rough Chopped >exclude if you don’t like spicy)
8 Fresh Scallions (Rough Chopped)
2 Cups of Dulse
2 Medium Garlic Cloves (rough chopped)
1 Miso Broth 1 QT size ( I use the 365 organic broth from whole foods)
1 Tbs Garlic Powder
1 Tbs Onion Powder
1/2 tsp Cayenne Powder (exclude if you don’t like spicy)
Pinch of Himalayan Pink SeaSalt
Optional: To make this even more filling you can add some potatoes

1. Rinse your lentils + boil in water for 20 mins until almost finish
2. In separate pot rinse + chop your carrots up + allow to boil in water for 10-12 minutes
3. Allow dulse to soak in cool water for 10 minutes (while cooking your other ingredients)
4. Pour your miso broth into pan + add all ingredients except the Dulse
5. Add seasonings + allow all ingredients excluding the Dulse to cook for 8 mins
6. Add your dulse to pot + allow to cook for 3-5 more minutes + Enjoy this yummy soup!

Thanks so much for checking out this recipe. If you try this recipe leave a comment and let us know what you think. Be sure to share the website with your friends and family♡


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** We are so excited to announce that BeAHealthNutToo is expanding into a health and wellness store. We will still feature new recipes and all the things you already love, with the addition of products. We are currently finishing up some vegan herbal supplements and I can’t wait to share them with all of you.

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** You can also now watch inspirational videos + raw food tutorials on my youtube channel. A new video just went up called (De-Stress Your Life), youtube page link is at the top of the website. Enjoy!

 Hugs & Happy Miso Soup Eating,
LaShana Nicole ❤


Hello Lovelies❤ I’m LaShana Nicole Founder of BeAHealthNutToo® a Holistic Health, Hair Care, and Skincare company. I am on a mission to help as many people grow, nourish, and nurse their hair back to life. Our Hair Care and Skincare products are made with pure natural ingredients with your health in mind. I want to welcome each of you to our growing community and thank you for your support. Read More

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